Waste Audit Process... Start Saving Money Today!

  • Step 1

    Call us @ 407-790-9982 to schedule a meeting today. We will be looking to establish an in depth understanding of your business and how you run your company. With your permission, we will begin the audit process.

  • Step 2

    We will analyze your waste stream and look for ways to implement a recycle program or simply improve on what you have established. We take pictures and document your service levels on each pick up day.

  • Step 3

    Even If you are committed to a long term contract, that is not a problem. We can service you within the confines of the agreement. Our goal is to work with the hauler you have selected. However, we want to optimize your savings potential.

  • Step 4

    We review the information and look for over charges and ways we can reduce your cost with our knowledge of Landfills, Hauling companies and equipment specifications.

  • Step 5

    After the audit is complete you will receive a financial analysis that details the current program cost vs. the new Green-up program. There are no hidden fees. You can count on a consistent flat monthly fee. If we cannot produce a savings for your company, then you have lost nothing. In fact you will have gained some insight that may be helpful to you in the future.

Green-Up continues to act as your advocate. We implement and manage the entire program. Our fees are included in the shared savings.